Multiple Config Transforms on Single Element

Hey everyone, so, I had a need to set some attributes and remove 2 of them in my web.config transform file. On my development system, I have my WCF services all pointing to my local fiddler, for debugging?

Anyways, I needed to remove the proxyAddress attribute and also set the useDefaultWebProxy, and securityMode.

You can't put in 2 different transforms in the same element doing something like xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(useDefaultWebProxy),RemoveAttributes(proxyAddress)". The msbuild app pukes and says no. The fix, was to actually include the element twice. Here's an example.

       <binding xdt:transform="SetAttributes" xdt:locator="Match(name)" usedefaultwebproxy="true" name="BasicHttpBinding_FrontendService">
        <security xdt:transform="SetAttributes" mode="None">
      <binding xdt:transform="RemoveAttributes(proxyAddress)" xdt:locator="Match(name)" name="BasicHttpBinding_FrontendService">
    <endpoint xdt:transform="SetAttributes" xdt:locator="Match(contract)" contract="Website.Contracts.Service.IWebsiteServiceContract" address="http://devtest-int/Website.Services/WebsiteService.svc">