Adding a full admin user in Kubernetes

I built my cluster, now I wanted to make a new user with full privileges.

I built my cluster, now I wanted to make a new user with full privileges.

I'm building a brand new, bare bones, raw, Kubernetes cluster. I used kubeadm and built up a cluster with 3 control planes and 2 worker nodes. Now I want to add a new user with full privileges. This is primarily for the "can I do it" and how thought. But, it's more secure to have separate certs for each user anyways so it all applies in the real world.

A little background and few key facts.

  1. My cluster is Kubernetes 1.20
  2. I'm using basic certificate authentication with RBAC which is the default cluster configuration.
  3. There is a system:masters group that has full permissions to the cluster.
  4. The system:masters group is tied to a ClusterRoleBinding named cluster-admins.
  5. A default kubeadm cluster won't let you add a user that has the system:masters group.
  6. Groups are assigned in the organization part of the subject name of the certificate.
  7. Our users name is going to be named test so replace test with the appropriate user. I'll have scripts and other stuff at the end.
  8. My new group name is example:masters


  1. Create a new role binding.
  2. Create a new user.
  3. Set the values in a new config.

Create the ClusterRoleBinding

  1. Create the ClusterRoleBinding yaml file example-cluster-admin.yaml
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: example-cluster-admin
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: cluster-admin
    - apiGroup:
      kind: Group
      name: example:masters
  2. Apply the ClusterRoleBinding
    kubectl apply -f example-cluster-admin.yaml

Create a new user

  1. Create a certificate key using openssl.
    openssl genrsa -out test.key 4096
  2. Create a signing request.
    openssl req -new -key ${USERNAME}.key -out ${USERNAME}.csr -subj "/CN=${USERNAME}/O=example:masters"
  3. Get the base 64 encoded signing request.
    cat test.csr | base64 | tr -d '\n'
  4. Create the CertificateSigningRequest yaml file test.yaml to add to the cluster
    kind: CertificateSigningRequest
      name: test-csr
      - system:authenticated
      - digital signature
      - key encipherment
      - client auth
  5. Apply the CSR yaml file.
    kubectl apply -f test.yaml
  6. Approve the signing request
    kubectl certificate approve ${USERNAME}-csr
  7. Get the certificates for the config file
    KEY=`cat ${USERNAME}.key | base64 | tr -d '\n'`
    CERT=`kubectl get csr ${USERNAME}-csr -o jsonpath='{.status.certificate}'`
    echo "======KEY"
    echo ${KEY}
    echo "======Cert"
    echo $CERT

Update the local Kubernetes config file

Open up the ~/.kube/config file and change out the client-certificate-data with the value of the Cert and client-key-data with the value of the Key that we got in the last step of the user creation process.

Scripts and other useful stuff - Creates and approves (if the current user can) a new user and dumps out a working config that can be given to someone



echo + Creating private key: ${USERNAME}.key
openssl genrsa -out ${USERNAME}.key 4096

echo + Creating signing request: ${USERNAME}.csr
openssl req -new -key ${USERNAME}.key -out ${USERNAME}.csr -subj "/CN=${USERNAME}/O=example:masters"

cp signing-request-template.yaml ${USERNAME}-signing-request.yaml
sed -i "s@__USERNAME__@${USERNAME}@" ${USERNAME}-signing-request.yaml

B64=`cat ${USERNAME}.csr | base64 | tr -d '\n'`
sed -i "s@__CSRREQUEST__@${B64}@" ${USERNAME}-signing-request.yaml

echo + Creating signing request in kubernetes
kubectl create -f ${USERNAME}-signing-request.yaml

echo + List of signing requests
kubectl get csr

kubectl certificate approve ${USERNAME}-csr

KEY=`cat ${USERNAME}.key | base64 | tr -d '\n'`
CERT=`kubectl get csr ${USERNAME}-csr -o jsonpath='{.status.certificate}'`

echo "======KEY"
echo ${KEY}

echo "======Cert"
echo $CERT

echo "======Config"
cat ~/.kube/config | \
    sed -r "s/^(\s*)(client-certificate-data:.*$)/\1client-certificate-data: ${CERT}/" | \
    sed -r "s/^(\s*)(client-key-data:.*$)/\1client-key-data: ${KEY}/"

signing-request-template.yaml - used by the above script to generate the CertificateSigningRequest object in Kubernetes

kind: CertificateSigningRequest
  name: __USERNAME__-csr
  - system:authenticated
  - example:masters
  request: __CSRREQUEST__
  - digital signature
  - key encipherment
  - client auth


Doing this was annoying, but not as annoying as disabling the admission controller that was blocking the ability to add users to the system:masters group.

My brother helped out a lot with the initial user creation part.

I don't generally apply manifests using kubectl by hand, instead I'll either use a script to do it or use ArgoCD and store my manifests in a git repo. Which is exactly what I did for my ClusterRoleBinding.

My brothers site

Kubernetes docs

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